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[其他] 40个常见中文成语的英语资料

发表于 2014-12-13 12:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式 | 来自山东


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    1.【一见如故】 feel like an old friends at first sight
  2.【记忆犹新】 remain fresh in one's memory
  3.【一言为定】 It's a deal.
  4.【一如既往】 as always
  5.【入乡随俗】 When in Rome do as the Romans do.
  6.【举世瞩目】 draw worldwide attention
  7.【深入人心】 enjoy popular support
  8.【名副其实】 be true to one's name
  9.【名不虚传】 deserve one's reputation
  10.【日新月异】 change with each passing day
  11.【取长补短】 learn from other's strength and bridge the gap
  12.【求同存异】 to seek common ground while reserving differences
  13.【目光远大】 be far-sighted
  14.【事与愿违】things go contrary to one’s wishes
  15.【同舟共济】 be in the sameboat
  16.【好事多磨】 A good gain takes long pain.
  17.【旁观者清】 An outsider sees most of the game.
  18.【轻而易举】 do something with great ease
  19.【首屈一指】 second to none
  20.【开门见山】 come straight to the point
  21.【学以致用】 put theory into practice
  22.【精益求精】 seeking increasing perfection
  23.【统筹兼顾】 make overall arrangements
  24.【患难之交】 a friend in need is a friend indeed.
  25.【不言而喻】 It’s self-evident that…
  26.【当务之急】 It’s of great urgency that…
  27.【如愿以偿】 have one’s wish fulfilled
  28.【突飞猛进】make remarkable progress
  29.【牵线搭桥】serve as abridge
  30.【光明磊落】be open and straightforward
  31.【欲速则不达】 Haste makes waste
  32.【礼轻情意重】 The gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep.
  33.【英雄所见略同】 Great minds think alike.
  34.【事实胜于雄辩】 Facts speak louder than words
  35.【百闻不如一见】 Seeing is believing.
  36.【一回生,二回熟】 First time strangers, second time friends
  37.【天时、地利、人和】right time, right place and right people
  38.【千里之行,始于足下】 A thousand miles journey starts with the first step.
  39.【己所不欲,勿施于人】 Do as you would be done by.
  40.【有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!】It is such a pleasure to meet friends from afar!
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