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[出国留学] 双语:哥大中国留学生抗议美国仇外心理

发表于 2017-2-16 15:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 | 来自山东


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 Chinese students at Columbia University, in New York, have had an unusual response after non-Western name tags were ripped from dorm room doors during the Chinese Lunar New Year. In a campaign later joined by other international students, the Chinese students attempted to explain to the English-speaking community the meaning carried by different characters in their names in a video entitled “Say my name”.
  春节期间,纽约哥伦比亚大学中国留学生的宿舍拼音门牌被人撕掉,对此他们做出了一个不同寻常的回应。在随后其他国际学生也参加的一场活动中,这些中国学生们制作了一份名为《Say my name》的视频,向那些英语母语的人解释了他们名字中不同汉字所代表的意义。

  In the video, students introduce their names, explain the origin of their name, its meaning in Chinese, and why the names are important to them.

  Students say the names are part of the Chinese culture and contain their parents’ wishes and expectations for them, which they take seriously. That’s why the incident incited outrages among the Chinese and the East Asian students’ community.

  It’s often the practice for Chinese students in English-speaking societies to have a Western name so as to make conversations with locals easier, as the Chinese names can sometimes be hard to pronounce.

  The university’s Office of Multicultural Affairs said they had received students’ reports and have launched an investigation to determine whether the incident was racially biased, as the vandalism came in the week following an executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump that heavily restricted immigration to the United States.

  The Asian American Alliance has also released a statement in which they condemned the vandalism, describing the acts as "xenophobic efforts to divide and incite fear among Columbia’s Asian and Asian American community."

  Several other groups of students at the University have also spoken out against the incidents taking place. The groups have banded together to release a joint statement regarding the matter.
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