共惜年月 发表于 2017-8-14 16:19

双语:美大学招生涉嫌歧视 哈佛及多所名校被起诉

  Admission policies employed by most U.S. universities, in which skin color plays a major role, have put Asians at a disadvantage, a U.S. legal expert has said.  据美国一名法律专家表示,大多数美国大学所采取的招生政策都以肤色为主要评判标准,使得亚洲申请者处于不利地位。
  "The use of race in various ways is a standard part of how university administrators are brought up to believe their job is done," Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow at the U.S.-based think tank Cato Institute, told Xinhua on Tuesday.  周二,美国智库卡托研究所高级研究员伊利亚·夏皮罗向新华社透露称:“以不同方式使用种族是大学管理者们认为已经出色完成自己工作的部分标准。”
  Including race as an impact factor when evaluating an applicant for a job or admission to a program is rooted in the concept of affirmative action, when first appeared in the United States in the 1960s to combat racial discrimination.  在评估求职者、或者对申请某个项目的人进行筛选时,把他们的种族作为一个影响因素这种作法根植于美国反歧视行动概念之中,这个概念第一次出现在美国是在上世纪60年代打击种族歧视的时候。
  The Supreme Court supported the notion that race can be a factor to "increase diversity" in a ruling in the late 1970s, changing the main goal of affirmative action from promoting racial justice to guaranteeing racial diversity in institutions.  在70年代末期一场审判中,美国最高法院支持“不同的种族可以增加多样性”这一说法,使得反歧视行动的主要目标从促进种族正义变成了保障机构内的种族多样性。
  But decades later, this ruling began to show serious side effects, as the line between upholding racial diversity and racial discrimination started to blur, and certain racial groups, primarily Asians and Asian Americans, began to feel at a disadvantage.  但是数十年之后,当时的这一裁决开始显现出各种负面影响,因为维护种族多样性和种族歧视之间的界限开始变得模糊,而某些种族群体(主要是亚洲人和亚裔美国人)开始觉得自己处于不利地位。
  "Even though Asians and Asian Americans represent the largest growing group of college applicants, their numbers at the selective institutions remain as they were 20, 25 years ago," Shapiro said.  夏皮罗说道:“虽然亚洲人和亚裔美国人是大学申请中增长最快的群体,他们申请获得许可的人数还是和20、25年前一样。”
  "Studies by Princeton University show that it’s not the thumb on the scales, it’s a brick," said Shapiro, who is also the editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review.  夏皮罗还担任卡托研究所最高法院评论主编,据他表示:“普林斯顿大学的研究显示,这一情况的影响非常巨大。”
  "I think oftentimes university administrators might have a stereotype of Asians as being one-dimensional, perhaps just being interested in math and science, that’s definitely a form of racism," Shapiro said.  他说道:“我常常在想,大学管理者们可能有这样一种刻板印象,即亚洲人都是一维的,也许只对数学和科学感兴趣,而这绝对是一种种族主义。”
  Furthermore, the more prestigious the university, the bigger the differences in academic qualifications by racial groups appear, Shapiro said, pointing to Ivy League universities including Harvard.  此外夏皮罗还表示,大学的声望越高,不同种族群体学生的学术水平差别就越大,包括哈佛在内的常春藤名校都是如此。
  "People in the lowest 25 percent in academic achievement at a given institution are racial minorities, generally Latinos, blacks, and native Americans," Shapiro said.  夏皮罗说道:“在任何一所大学里,成绩最低的25%的人都是少数民族,一般是拉美裔、黑人、以及土著美国人。”
  The unfair practice does not only hurt Asians and Asian Americans, but also those who are given preferred treatment, Shapiro said.  夏皮罗还表示,这种不公平的做法不仅仅伤害了亚洲人和亚裔美国人,也上伤害了那些得到特殊优待的人。
  "They end up in a place oftentimes where the work is more advanced and they end up switching into easier majors and they don’t do as well on the bar exam or the medical licensing exams," he said.  他说道:“这些人在那些需要高水平工作的地方往往无法取得成功,他们会转到较容易的专业,在律师资格考试和医疗许可证考试中的表现也不好。”
  Due to these unfair policies, several universities, including Harvard, University of Texas and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, have been sued over allegations that they discriminated against certain racial groups.  由于这些不公平的政策,包括哈佛、德克萨斯大学、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校都已经被因为歧视某些种族群体而遭到了起诉。 来源:中新网(爱语吧)
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