淡酒微醉 发表于 2017-7-24 20:53


本帖最后由 淡酒微醉 于 2017-7-24 20:58 编辑

  When shopping for a swimsuit, women typically seek out something that they’ll feel good in — sexy, slim, attractive. The last thing they want is for people to point and laugh when they seem them on the beach.  当挑选泳衣的时候,女性往往会选择一些让她们感觉良好的款式——性感、苗条、迷人。当她们出现在海滩上的时候,最不想的事情就是被人指指点点、嘲笑不停。
  Or so the assumption goes. Apparently, though, there is an entire market for swimwear that’s only purpose is to raise eyebrows and elicit guffaws, and the brand Beloved is here to corner it.  如果这一假设是对的。那么很显然,Beloved最近推出的几款泳衣纯粹就是来搞笑、吸引人们注意的。
  The company, which specializes is novelty clothing and home decor, is selling a whole collection of women’s one-pieces printed with the faces of world leaders and celebrities.  该公司专门经营奇怪的服饰和家居装饰品,而该公司最近售卖的全套女性连体泳衣却印满了世界**和名人们的面孔。
  For $49.99 each, customers can buy classic Spandex one-piece swimsuits emblazoned with the faces of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders.  只要支付49.99美元,顾客就可以买到一件经典的弹性布料连体泳衣,只不过这些泳衣上面都印着包括普京、金正恩、川普、希拉里和桑德斯等人的面孔。
  The politicians have already gotten some press, but the site also sells swimwear with Tiger Woods, Steve Buscemi, Kanye West, and Nicholas Cage. Recently, they sold a Guy Fieri suit as well, though it is no longer available on the site — possibly because it has sold out.  除开印有政客面孔的泳衣外,该公司还售卖印有包括泰格·伍兹、史蒂夫·巴斯米、侃爷、以及尼古拉斯凯奇面孔的泳衣。最近,他们甚至还推出了了盖伊·法利的泳装,但是似乎现在网站上已经看不到了——也许已经卖断货了。
  What makes the swimwear particularly disquieting is the way in which they’re printed. The suits don’t simply feature photographs of their subjects on the front. Instead, their faces are enlarged over the center of the suit, in some cases extending past the fabric.  而这种泳衣最魔性的地方在于泳衣上名人面孔的印刷方式。这些泳衣并不是仅仅只在正面印一个名人的肖像,相反他们的面孔非常大,扩散到了整个泳衣的中心,某些情况下甚至延伸到了背部。
  In other suits, like Buscemi’s and Clinton’s, the faces are printed a bit smaller — but the rest of the fabric is the color of their skin, giving each of their faces and odd, warped look.  而在印有巴斯米和希拉里的泳衣上,虽然他们的脸要小一些——但是织物的颜色跟他们皮肤的颜色一样,使其看起来特别魔性。来源:Daily Mail
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查看完整版本: 魔性画风:普京头像泳衣上身保证没人偷看你(双语)