中年女孩 发表于 2017-1-17 15:27


  Less than half of white-collar workers in China said they expect to receive a year-end bonus for 2016, according to a recent report by the Chinese human resources website zhaopin.com.  据中国人力资源网站智联招聘最近的一份报告称,只有不到半数的白领能拿到2016年的年终奖。
  About 39 percent of professionals surveyed said they received a year-end bonus, with 9.6 percent responding that their employer promised to pay the bonus after Chinese New Year.  约39%受访专业人士表示称他们拿到了年终奖,而9.6%的人则表示说企业承诺年后发放年终奖。
  Among workers who expect a year-end bonus, over 95 percent said they will be paid in cash and nearly 10 percent that they would receive goods instead.  在有望拿到年终奖的人中,超过95%的人表示称将拿到现金,而近10%的人则将拿到物品。
  The average score for year-end bonus satisfaction was 2.18 out of a possible 5 in 2016, remaining low but better than the 2.07 score in 2015. It shows most white-collar workers are not satisfied, the report said.  2016年终奖平均满意度为2.18(满分5分),仍然很低,但是好于2015年的2.07。报告称,这表示大多数白领都不满意。
  Employees at state-owned enterprises were more satisfied with their year-end bonus compared with workers at private or overseas companies. Those working in the finance sector said they can get 17,000 yuan ($2,464) at the year end on average, which topped other industries, with the average figure at 12,821 yuan.  和私企、外企员工相比,国企员工对他们年终奖的满意度更高。金融行业人士称他们平均年终奖达到了17000元人民币(约合2464美元),高于其他行业的12821元。
  White-collar workers in Beijing and Shanghai topped the list with year-end bonuses of 15,846 yuan and 14,640 yuan on average, followed by Shenzhen at 14,605 yuan and Hangzhou at 13,765 yuan.  北京和上海的白领以平均15846元和14640元人民币年终奖排在榜单前两名,其次是深圳(14605元)和杭州(13765元)。
  Worker satisfaction with year-end bonuses may affect their career decisions in the new year, the report said. Thirty-nine percent of white-collar workers said they would consider changing jobs because of their bonus, a rate higher than in 2015.  据报告称,员工们对年终奖的满意程度有可能影响他们在新一年的职业决定。39%的白领表示称他们会因为年终奖而考虑换工作,高于2015年的比例。
  The report also said over 41 percent plan to use the year-end bonus to buy gifts for the elderly, followed by 36.5 percent for saving, 28.3 percent for investment and 26 percent for shopping.  报告还说超过41%的人计划用年终奖给长辈买礼物,其次是存起来(36.5%)、投资(28.3%)和购物(26%)。(爱语吧)

齐天小生 发表于 2017-1-21 20:28

working at state-owned company, but no year-end bonus
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查看完整版本: 怎一个惨字了得:超半数白领没有年终奖(双语)