寂静的咖啡壶 发表于 2017-1-16 16:28


  Two former Microsoft employees are suing the company for not protecting them from the psychological effects of viewing disturbing material.  两名微软的前员工近日已经将微软告上法庭,称其在工作期间接触到大量不良信息,微软没有提供给他们心理支持。
  The two men were left with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after working at the firm, the lawsuit alleged.  这起诉讼是由于两人在工作中患上创伤后应激障碍,即PTSD。
  Their jobs involved viewing and reporting material, communicated via Microsoft services, that had been flagged by automated software as being potentially illegal.  他们的工作就是要浏览和报告大量的通过微软服务器进行通信的资料,而这些资料大多数都被自动化软件标记为违法。
  Microsoft told the BBC it disputed the claims, and that it offered industry-leading support.  微软告诉BBC,他们对这次指控提出异议,并说他们对员工提供的是领先于行业的心理支持。
  "Microsoft takes seriously its responsibility to remove and report imagery of child sexual exploitation and abuse being shared on its services, as well as the health and resiliency of the employees who do this important work."  “微软十分重视审查、删除并向有关部门报告儿童性侵等网络画面的责任,对于从事这样工作的员工的健康和安全也同样注重。”
  It said the balance of protecting internet users while minimising the impact on its employees was a continued learning process.  微软称,在保护互联网用户和减少对员工的影响之间的平衡是一个持续不断的学习过程。
  Saving children’s lives  拯救孩子的生命
  Henry Soto and Greg Blauert worked for Microsoft’s Online Safety Team, a division responsible for upholding the firm’s legal obligation to pass on any illegal images to the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  亨利·索托和格雷格·布劳尔特曾在微软网络安全团队工作,工作职责包括协助执法部门打击犯罪团伙和组织,进行网络监管,将非法图片传递给美国国家失踪和被剥削儿童中心。
  When an image is reported, or automated software has “spotted” an issue, a human being is required to view the material and forward it on to the authorities, a Microsoft spokeswoman said.  微软发言人说,当有一张图片被举报,或者背自动化软件发现有问题的时候,就需要员工查看相关资料,然后将材料发送给当局。
  The company said people with this role are only required to do this particular task for a short period of time - and that they are kept in a “different office” from other staff..  公司还称,从事这项工作的人需要在短时间内完成特定的任务,他们的办公室也与其他的同事不同,被分布在其他的地方。
  But in papers filed on 30 December 2016, the two men said the company did little to warn or prepare them for the disturbing images they were required to view.  但在2016年12月30日的诉讼文件中,二人却说公司没有为他们浏览大量暴力图片而做出警告或者提示他们有所准备。
  The lawsuit says both men’s efforts were “instrumental” in saving children’s lives and securing prosecutions, but that both were paying a serious psychological toll.  该诉讼称,他们二人为了拯救孩子们的生命和确保案件被审理做出了巨大的贡献,但是他们自己却得了严重的心理疾病。
  But the documents described Mr Blauert as suffering greatly from this work, contributing to a mental breakdown in 2013. When he expressed his discomfort, it is alleged that he was told to "smoke", "go for walk" or "play video games" as a distraction.  诉讼文件中称,布劳尔特要在工作中遭受许多折磨,导致他在2013年精神崩溃。当他向公司表示他不舒服时,公司告诉他通过吸烟,散步,或者打电子游戏等方式来分散注意力。(爱语吧)
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