淡酒微醉 发表于 2017-1-9 12:58

WHAT盗墓鬼吹灯你没听过 那你可就OUT啦


  Have you ever heard about the novel Ghost Blows Out the Candle?NO? How could you not know? It has two prior movie adaptations: one with Chen Kun and one with Mark Zhao。 Now to complete the routine for all upcoming projects, it gets a drama version (Candle in the Tomb) starring Jin Dong and the lovely Joe Chen Qiao En!  你听说过小说《鬼吹灯》吗?什么?没有?你竟然没有听说过。之前已经改编过两部电影:一部是陈坤演的,一部是赵又廷演的。现在出现了一部由靳东和可爱的陈乔恩饰演的网剧《鬼吹灯之精绝古城》。
  I think everyone knows the story by now, if not, watch one of the movies! In a nutshell, Jin Dong plays Hu Ba Yi (roles previously played by Chen Kun and Mark Zhao), and Qiao En plays Shirley Yang (previously played by Shu Qi and Yao Chen)。 She was raised in America and returns to China when her father went missing while exploring tombs。 Together with Ba Yi and his friend, they recruit a team of brave individuals to search the tombs and unleash the darkness from each one。  我想各位都应该知道这个故事吧,如果你还不知道,那去看一部这系列的电影吧!简而言之,靳东饰演胡八一(之前陈坤和赵又廷都演过),陈乔恩饰演Shirley杨(之前是舒淇和姚晨)。在美国长大的Shirley杨,回到中国追随探寻古墓过程中失踪的父亲的足迹。与胡八一和其朋友一起招募一队人马去探寻古墓并从黑暗中解救彼此。
  对盗墓各种专业名词懵逼的小伙伴,英语君来给你们先科普科普:  ① “倒斗”的意思就是盗墓,因为墓的形状就像是一个倒着的斗。英文中,盗墓者可以称作“tomb raiders或者grave robbers”。“摸金校尉”便是官缝的盗墓者,表达为“official tomb raiders”。盗墓可是个手艺活。望、闻、问、切样样齐全。没错,和中医看诊一样,盗墓也有着诸多门道。
  望(Look):望气,看风水(feng shui),比如,整体布局(layout)、地质特点(geographical features),找到风水最好的方位(auspicious spot)来推断主墓的位置。
  问(ask) : 当然不是问粽子们啦,就是踩点。有经验的盗墓者会穿得像个风水师傅(feng shui master)或相士,游走四方,尤注意风景优美之地和出过将相高官之处。
  切(feel):是把脉之意。厉害的盗墓者通过触摸检查尸体(特别是女性尸体,玉石可能会放在在尸体的口腔中) 和棺木(coffin),可以找到藏在尸体内和棺木内最值钱的陪葬品。
  ② “粽子”的意思就是棺材中没有腐烂、保存良好但是已经尸变的尸体。  ,用英语直白的是“corpse”,当然,还有更耳熟的“Zombie”,也就是诸多美剧中都出现的僵尸。(Fleshy, well-preserved corpses which are already evil dead。)另外,干粽子 (Completely decayed corpses)是指完全腐坏的尸变尸体。肉粽子(Corpses adorned with treasures)则是指身上带着各种宝物的尸变尸体。剧中的“大粽子”(“half-dead corpses”, zombies, evil ghost)无疑是粽子里的大boss,指那些尸变成僵尸或者恶灵的尸体,如果遇到大粽子,那你就节哀顺变,等着被大粽子当粽子吃了吧。
    ③ 经典台词:“人点烛,鬼吹灯。”用英语则可以表达为: “A human lights the candle and the ghosts blow it out。”剧中胡八一等人在打开棺材前先在墓室的西南角点了根蜡烛。如果蜡烛自己熄灭了,意思是墓主不乐意,所有的东西一动不能动,必须全都放回去。英语表达:  Before opening a coffin, tomb raiders would customarily put a candle in the southeast corner of the coffin。 If the candle goes out itself, then it means the tomb owner frowns upon the intrusion and everything taken must be put back to their original places。

  ④ “玉砕”指的是战败了,切腹自尽,为天皇效忠。 那么这 “宁为玉碎,不为瓦全”用英语该怎么表达呢?可以表达为:It is better to die when life is a disgrace。或者“rather to die honorably to not live dishonorably”!

  剧中“闭上你的乌鸦嘴。“乌鸦嘴”在汉语中是指人说话嘴巴特臭。Crows, especially black crows almost always signify death or near-death。乌鸦,特别是黑色的乌鸦经常预示着死亡或濒临死亡。英语表达,直接点的,可以“crowmouth”,委婉点则用“jinx”,jinx on sb/sth,意思为厄运,霉运,不祥之人(或物)。例如:I‘m convinced there‘s a jinx on this car。我看这辆汽车是闹鬼了。也可以用“doomsayer”,意思是凶事预示者,或者灾难预言者。例如:“Don’t be such a jinx/doomsayer!不过英语君觉得,老外会更直接的喊“Shut up!”当然如果你在中间再加上点F开头的词,感情表达就更到位了。  追过剧的小伙伴,来给英语君说说观后感吧?(沪江英语)
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