蓝丝巾1 发表于 2017-1-5 17:25


  On Jan 5, 2017, people will be able to get free "Laba" porridge at many temples like Yonghegong Lama Temple in Beijing.   在2017年1月5日这天,人们会在北京诸如雍和宫这类寺庙性质的场所得到免费的腊八粥。
  Otherwise, people could also enjoy the porridge at those time-honored restaurants like Huguosi Snacks, Tongheju Restaurant, Quyuan Restaurant and Makai Restaurant.  除此之外,人们也可以在诸如“护国寺小吃”“同和居饭庄”“曲园餐厅”和“马凯餐厅”这类老字号饭店享受到美味的腊八粥。
  It is a way of celebrating the Laba Festival, or Laba Rice Porridge Festival, one of the traditional Chinese festivals on the eighth day of the 12th month of lunar calendar.  作为中国的传统节日之一,腊八节落在每年阴历的十二月初八,民间流传着在这一天吃腊八粥的习俗。
  According to the Buddhist belief that on this day Sakyamuni became the Buddha thousands years ago, and that is why Buddhist temples observe this festival.  根据佛家所言,腊八这天正是几千年前释迦牟尼的成佛之日,从此各大佛教寺庙便在这一日隆重庆祝。
  That is where the Laba Festival comes from.  腊八节也由此而来。
  "La", a Chinese character, is closely associated with the meaning of offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors, while "Ba" means the number of eight.  腊八节的“腊”字和古代有祭祀祖先之意的“蜡”字相通,“八”则代表数字“8”。
  It’s customary on this day to drink the special porridge, usually stewed of at least eight ingredients.  腊八节这一天,人们通常都要吃一种特制的粥。这种粥由至少八种不同的粮食和瓜果煮成,俗称“腊八粥”。
  With rice as the main ingredient, this porridge may well contain ingredients like broad beans, red beans, mung beans, red dates, peanuts, chest nuts, both tasty and nutritious.  粥内除了主要食材大米之外,还会包含诸如蚕豆、红豆、绿豆、红枣、花生和栗子等不同瓜果,味道甜美且营养丰富。
  This tradition of making Laba porridge could be traced back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), generously extolling the significance of diligence and thrift.  腊八节吃腊八粥的传统始于宋朝(960-1279),意在弘扬勤劳节俭的美好品质。
  Apart from the porridge, there are also traditions of making Laba garlic and Laba noodles in some parts of North China.  除了腊八粥之外,北方有些地区在当天还有腌腊八蒜、吃腊八面的传统习俗。
  Perhaps, the most important meaning of Laba is its loud reminding or counting-down of days to the most important Chinese festival -- the Spring Festival. Laba is here, the Spring Festival is at the corner.  从某种意义上来说,腊八最重要的意义可能在于提醒人们一年一度最重要的节日——春节即将来临,腊八节来了,春节还会远么?(爱语吧)
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